

From Montana Tech High Performance Computing

Revision as of 10:26, 18 April 2023 by Bdeng (talk | contribs)

Our HPC system features pre-installed, widely-used compilers, development tools, and libraries. Presently, there are three primary compilers available:

  • GNU9
  • GNU12
  • Intel

For each compiler, multiple builds of tools and libraries are provided. Upon logging in to the HPC system, the default development environment is set to GNU12 + OPENMPI4. To change to a different compiler, utilize the module swapcommand, for example:

module swap gnu12 gnu9 ->switch from GNU12 to GNU9
module swap gnu12 intel ->switch from GNU12 to GNU9

In addition to the compilers, our HPC system also offers a variety of development tools and libraries to facilitate efficient and effective programming. These resources are designed to work seamlessly with the available compilers. You can use conveniently use the modules command to manage your development environment.