

From Montana Tech High Performance Computing

Revision as of 10:44, 18 April 2023 by Bdeng (talk | contribs)

Our HPC system also offers a variety of development tools and libraries to facilitate efficient and effective programming. These resources are designed to work seamlessly with the available compilers.

To take full advantage of these tools and libraries, it is essential to familiarize yourself with the module command. This command allows you to manage the development environment effectively by loading, unloading, and swapping modules as needed.

Example Commands

Some common module commands include:

module list - display currently loaded modules
module avail - show a list of available modules
module load <module_name> - load a specific module
module unload <module_name> - unload a specific module
module help <module_name> - access detailed information on a specific module

Module Types

Two types of modules are installed: modules with compiler and/or MPI runtime dependencies, and modules without such dependencies. When you log on to the HPC, issue the module avail command, and you'll see a list of available modules grouped into three sections:

/opt/ohpc/pub/moduledeps/gnu12-openmpi4 ----------------------------------------------
  boost/1.80.0     extrae/3.8.3    omb/6.1         scorep/7.1       tau/2.31.1
  dimemas/5.4.2    imb/2021.3      scalasca/2.5    sionlib/1.7.7

/opt/ohpc/pub/moduledeps/gnu12 ---------------------------------------------------
  impi/2021.9.0    mpich/3.4.3-ofi        mvapich2/2.3.7        pdtoolkit/3.25.1
  likwid/5.2.2     mpich/3.4.3-ucx (D)    openmpi4/4.1.4 (L)

/opt/ohpc/pub/modulefiles -----------------------------------------------------
  EasyBuild/4.6.2        cmake/3.24.2        hwloc/2.7.0      (L)    ohpc       (L)    prun/2.2          (L)    valgrind/3.19.0
  MATLAB/R2022b          gnu12/12.2.0 (L)    intel/2023.1.0          os                singularity/3.7.1
  autotools       (L)    gnu9/9.4.0          libfabric/1.13.0 (L)    papi/6.0.0        ucx/1.11.2        (L)

In this example, the modules in the first section depend on the GNU12 + OPENMPI4 toolchain. The second section's modules are dependent on GNU12 only. The modules listed in the third section have no compiler or MPI dependencies.